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This guide will help you understand the workspace settings.

Tapify workspace settings
Tapify workspace settings
Tapify workspace settings


In Tapify, setting up your workspace is straightforward with various options. You can manage teams, user permissions, and administrator controls to customize how business cards are created and accessed.


You can group users into teams to better organize your workspace. This helps filter people based on their team. Additionally, assigning a team to a template allows you to display different company information and branding for each team if you want to.

Create a team

To create a team navigate to Settings > Teams. From here you have an overview of all teams added to the workspace and the users assigned to a team. You can create a team by clicking the button Create team.

Add users to a team

You can add users to a team by navigating to the specific user, click the three dots and navigate to Settings. Here you can assign a team to this specific user.

This article explains how teams work with templates.

Deleting a team

When you click the Delete button, the team is removed, but the users assigned to it are not deleted. Instead, they are no longer part of any team.

User permissions

As an admin, you have the ability to send invites to users, enabling them to use their new digital business card. There are two methods available for inviting users, depending on how you want them to receive and utilize their digital business card. You can configure these settings in the workspace settings under users.

Invite to download

Users receive an email containing instructions to download their Apple or Google Wallet business card. This option is suitable if you prefer users to simply use the business card without creating an account.

Full access

Users receive an email inviting them to create an account, granting them control over their Tapify Profile. They can manage connections and download their Apple or Google Wallet business card through their account. This setting is ideal if you want users to have control over their profile and connections.


When using the option 'Full access' you can use locks to prevent users from editing their or changing certain information. This can be useful for ensuring data consistency and security.


Add an administrator to the workspace

Within Tapify you can add multiple administrators for enhanced workspace collaboration. To add administrators in Tapify, follow these simple steps:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Administrators.

  2. Here, you can view all the current administrators.

  3. To add a new administrator, ensure that the user is already added to your workspace.

  4. Click on Add administrator and choose the user you want to designate as an administrator.

Unlink as administrator

You can also unlink a user as an administrator, but note that this action won't delete them as a user from the workspace.