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User management

Efficiently create, manage and inviting users within the workspace.

Tapify workspace
Tapify workspace
Tapify workspace


As an admin you can manage all users within the workspace. You are able to create, manage, invite and delete users.

Create users


Creating users to Tapify can be done in two ways:

  • Individual: You can add team members individually.

  • Bulk import: To streamline the process, you can choose to bulk import team members by using an CSV file.


Simply click on the Add button at the top right in the user management page, from here click on Individual. You'll be prompted to fill in the users first name, last name and email address.

To add more information to this user such as contactdetails and social media please navigate to this user in the table and click on Profile. All information shown here will be visible in their digital business card.

Bulk import

To streamline the process, you can choose to bulk import by using CSV file. This creates multiple users in one go. Here's how:

  1. Go to the Users page.

  2. Click on the Add button.

  3. Click on Download CSV file to get the template with all the necessary fields for user information.

  4. Fill in the template with the personal information for each team member (each row corresponds to one team member).

  5. Upload the completed CSV file to the workspace. This will automatically create new users based on the provided information.

  6. Done!

Invite users

Sent an invite

As an admin, you have the ability to invite users to use their digital business card. The invite will always be sent to the 'account email address' of the user. Before sending the invite make sure you've setup the right permission, for more information click here. There are two ways to invite users:

Invite individually

Navigate to the users table and click on the three dots next to a user their name and select Invite.

Bulk invite:

Select multiple users you want to invite then click on Invite.